Material Sensing
mSense: Towards Mobile Material Sensing with a Single Millimeter-Wave Radio, Chenshu Wu, Fenf Zhang, Beibei Wang, K.J. Ray Liu, UbiComp’20.
Food and Liquid Sensing in Practical Environments using RFIDs. Unsoo Ha, Junshan Leng, Alaa Khaddaj, and Fadel Adib. NSDI’20.
Tagtag: material sensing with commodity RFID. Binbin Xie, Jie Xiong, Xiaojiang Chen, Eugene Chai, Liyao Li, Zhanyong Tang, Dingyi Fang. SenSys’19.
Twinleak: Rfid-based liquid leakage detection in industrial environments. Junchen Guo, Ting Wang, Yuan He, Meng Jin, Chengkun Jiang, Yunhao Liu. INFOCOM’19.
Learning Food Quality and Safety from Wireless Stickers. Unsoo Ha, Yunfei Ma, Zexuan Zhong, Tzu-Ming Hsu, Fadel Adib. HotNets18.
TagScan: Simultaneous target imaging and material identification with commodity RFID devices.. Ju Wang, Jie Xiong, Xiaojiang Chen, Hongbo Jiang, Rajesh Krishna Balan, Dingyi Fang. MobiCom’17.
WiMi: Target Material Identification with Commodity Wi-Fi Devices. Chao Feng, Jie Xiong, Liqiong Chang, Ju Wang, Xiaojiang Chen, Dingyi Fang, Zhanyong Tang. ICDCS’19.
On the Feasibility of Wi-Fi Based Material Sensing. Diana Zhang, Jingxian Wang, Junsu Jang, Junbo Zhang, Swarun Kumar. MobiCom’19.
Towards Low Cost Soil Sensing Using Wi-Fi. Jian Ding, Ranveer Chandra. MobiCom’19.
LiquID: A Wireless Liquid IDentifier. Ashutosh Dhekne, Mahanth Gowda, Yixuan Zhao, Haitham Hassanieh, Romit Roy Choudhury. MobiSys’18.
Other RF methods
Material Identification Using RF Sensors and Convolutional Neural Networks. Gianluca Agresti, Simone Milani. ICASSP 2019
Walabot Pro, MIMO radar and it is equipped with 18 antennas, 4 of them are used to transmit amplitude modulated signals in the frequency range [6.3, 8.3] GHz (European model), and the remaining 14 are used as receivers.
Liquid Testing with Your Smartphone. Shichao Yue and Dina Katabi. MobiSys’19.
SpectroPhone: Enabling Material Surface Sensing with Rear Camera and Flashlight LEDs. Maximilian Schrapel, Philipp Etgeton, Michael Rohs. CHI EA’21.
SpeCam: sensing surface color and material with the front-facing camera of a mobile device. Hui-Shyong Yeo, Juyoung Lee, Andrea Bianchi, David Harris-Birtill, Aaron Quigley. MobileHCI’17.